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Eat Local, Eat Beautiful

Food is what brings us all together

Cooking for someone is an expression of love. Mealtime is sacred, a time we can spend together at the end of a long day or on a lazy Sunday morning without any distractions. Just those gathered at the table, good conversation and the appreciation for what’s on our plates.There are many family stories that center around my love of food. I was never a picky eater and I delighted in trying new flavors and foods. Always preferring what was fresh, flavorful and lots and lots of pasta! 

I grew up in a family of talented home cooks with many recipes passed down through the generations. My Italian grandfather would grow rhubarb in the summer for strawberry rhubarb pies, still a family favorite. One of my earliest and most distinct memories is my grandpa carrying me on his hip as we plucked a tomato off the vine in my parents’ backyard garden. I can remember biting into the juicy flesh and my love for tomatoes has been a constant ever since.

I’ve always been drawn to the flavors of the Mediterranean, anything drenched in lemon and topped with fresh herbs. Though we bounce around between flavor profiles quite a bit in our kitchen.

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Appetite + Aesthetics

When my husband and I moved in together, many years ago, we realized how much we both loved creating in the kitchen. And how much we both love aesthetics, wanting our meals to be just as visually appealing as they are appetizing.

Living in Hawaii we are so fortunate to have access to fresh produce year round, fresh fish that my husband catches regularly, and a bounty of local venison.  My husband grew up in a family of gardeners as well. It’s through him and with him that I began to appreciate the bounty in our backyard. His family property boasts many kinds of trees with edible fruits, citrus, avocado, mango, and many other exotic fruits. His mother tends a garden to envy.

We strive to eat local, limit as many packaged and processed goods as we can, and while we don’t abide by any type of diet or restrictions we generally eat more vegetables and fruit than anything else.

I’m always browsing cookbooks for inspiration and beautiful imagery, though I rarely follow recipes. Cooking is largely intuitive for me. Below you’ll find some of our favorite cookbooks to ignite your imagination in the kitchen.

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